I’m a natural light photographer. Which means I show up with one bag and maybe a couple cameras. And maybe a couple lenses. My backpack goes with me everywhere, so don’t be surprised if it’s covered in grass or dirt or snow. That’s me. I might have a reflector. I might not. Let’s just say… I’m laid back. And I want to make you comfortable. And I don’t feel like making you comfortable requires a lot of bells and whistles.
I want the process with you to be as simple as possible. Natural. I want to photograph you. The real you. Making things complicated isn’t my thing….let’s have fun! I will get down and play in the dirt with your kids. I will paint with them. I will lay in the grass and discuss the shapes of the clouds. Bury them in leaves or snow. I love that. I like to play and chat. And get to know you. That’s my favorite part. Hearing your stories. And bringing them to life.
I will let you pick the location for your session. Or we can come up with something together. Depending on what you want your photos to look like hanging on your walls (that is the ultimate goal right?) If you have places that have sentimental meaning… then lets go there! Let’s have an adventure! I’m always up for that. If you want to shoot at home in the kitchen baking cookies or watching TV, I can do that too!
I will probably make you sit down.
I will probably make you hug each other.
I will probably tell you jokes. And you will probably roll your eyes at my jokes.
I will tell you stories.
I hope you will tell me yours.
And I will never make you do something that I’m not doing right along with you.
I thrive on connection. Between you and me. And between each other. I will pose you some. I will watch you some. And I will try to catch it all. I will catch the serious moments. I will catch the goofy ones and the giggles and the belly laughs. If your kids are young and wild… that’s OK! I have been at this for a really long time and I have literally seen it all. I want to alleviate your stress… photos should be fun, not stressful. If given the chance to catch a serious moment, I will. If given the chance to catch something humorous… that is my all time favorite… because that is joy to me. Smiling. Laughter. Unforced laughter.
I try to shoot in the beautiful morning sun or toward the end of the day in the beautiful evening sun (that is my preferred time to shoot as easiest on most people’s schedules) Those times change depending on the season. But if those don’t work, we’ll figure it out.
Lastly. Expect the unexpected. Most people have a vision of what they want their pictures to be. In their head. You’ve probably scoured Pinterest boards (which are great by the way) but every photographer has their own style. I definitely have mine. If you’ve hired me, I hope you have an idea of what my shooting style is. If you don’t, please look through galleries to make sure we are a fit. I will try to accommodate you as much as possible… but me and my camera, we go way back and have a thing all our own, and together between you and me and my camera, we will make it awesome.
Let’s have adventures. Let’s giggle together. Let me be your magic picture taker.
Seniors, I want to make your session memorable and easy. I’m a natural light photographer. Which means I show up with one bag and maybe a couple cameras. And maybe a couple lenses. My backpack goes with me everywhere, so don’t be surprised if it’s covered in grass or dirt or snow. But don’t let that all fool you, I make magic with my camera! That’s me. I might have a reflector. I might not. Let’s just say… I’m laid back. And I want to make you comfortable. And I don’t feel like making you comfortable requires a lot of bells and whistles.. Senior sessions last quite a bit longer than a normal family session with clothing changes and location changes if you want them. These are once in a lifetime photos (even if they are something you are doing for your mom) and I want to get them right. And I want to capture YOU. I will get to know you a little before your session. The more you tell me about yourself, the better it will be.
Locations are all about you. I want to bring out your personality in your photos. And while Pinterest photos are helpful, please keep in mind if these kinds of locations don’t always fit your personality, and it will show in the photos. For example, if you are not a person that lives on a farm and it doesn’t mean anything to you… maybe shooting on a farm is not the greatest choice for photos. Or if you aren’t a swimmer, lets not shoot in the pool.
We are surrounded by beautiful mountains only a half hour away and I love shooting there as well as many many locations around town. If you have a place that is meaningful to you, I would love to shoot there. I am also willing to drive south for photos, as long as it is preplanned and time is permitted.
I thrive on connection with my seniors. I promise to make as painless as possible for the boys (guys I know that you are probably there for your mom….) and girls, I promise to make it fun!
So let’s get to know each other!!!!