Carnival Food Makes Everything Better

So, the hubby finally made it home and I was bound and determined to have a good time this weekend.

It worked.

My Dino Man was invited to ride on the school house float, which he was miserable and hot on, but had a good time when he saw all the people waving at him.  And since we tried the carnival once this week, and came home tired and kind of irritated at one another, we decided to go back . Give it another whirl.

That worked too. We all had a really good time. Ate carni food (my husband’s favorite food on earth, which still boggles me to this day, and he’s  like a little kid who looses his brain as soon as he smells it. ) and the kiddo rode rides that he didn’t want to the time before. He loved it. Was proud of himself.  And he didn’t loose his mind over the games and crazy carnival men trying to get him to play them.