The Cut

The little dude got a hair cut yesterday. He’s had a million hair cuts. We’ve had to cut his hair since he was 6 months old. He was born with it growing out his ears. Literally. He’s always had a lot of hair. So when we asked the hair dresser to take a little off the top… this was her interpretation.

It was a bit more than a little and it’s the shortest we’ve seen it.

It’s all good. It’s hot. Short hair will work. But.. I never thought I would say this,

I like my little boy with his wild bed head hair.

It’s just been part of his personality for such a long time.  It’s him.  You know. He’s got the eyes. He’s got the hair. And he throws around prehistoric words every other sentence. That’s him.

He told me it grew last night. So it won’t take long 🙂

  • kristen

    i like my boys with crazy bed head hair too. but i seem to be one of the only ones. i get comments about how crazy their hair is in their pics… but that’s okay b/c i’m mom, and i like it!

  • Cara

    I would agree Stacey – I like my kiddo with bed head too. I always tell him it’s a sign of a good nap or good night of rest!