National Watermelon Day: Watermelon Granita

 I know that Pioneer Woman posted her recipe for Watermelon Granita recently.  Which is awesome. I love her. Read it every single day. Have been for years.

But I can tell you… if you have and ice cream maker this will take exactly 20 minutes tops to complete.  Instead of 5 hours.

I like to make things in small amounts. So for the three of us I used half of a small watermelon. Chopped it up. I added 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of sugar to offset the lemon juice.  (You can change this for your taste…more or less, just taste it as you go.) I pureed all of these together and then threw them into the ice cream maker for 20 minutes until it was just right and then devoured.  It was perfect.

I also think this would be really good with club soda or a 7-up mixed in. I think I’ll try that next time!

1 comment
  • Cheryl Mello

    Hey, I just spent the last two day, no kidding. looking at the Pioneer Woman site. Love it. Thanks