The Bed in a Box

 I haven’t spent a lot of time talking about the progress of the new/ old house at all this year. Fact is we’ve been literally just watching grass grow. That’s about it.

But this week, I decided I needed to do something with the front porch. I’m always painting something here and there and changing this and that around. It’s just kind of what I do. Once I get something just right, I change it.  This time, I thought I needed another nook, one that I actually use. A placeto watch TV, I mean hulu or netflix. Talk on the phone (the porch is the only place I have cell service in the big ol house) I originally thought of a swing…but I don’t know about the beams on the roof, so I cut that out. I wanted something more rustic and simple and not complicated or expensive (as another thought I went with was a sectional couch…but I have 4 couches in the house already, I don’t need more of those) ….so this is what I came up with. A glorified couch/bed that basically lived in a giant apple crate.  PERFECT!

So as we were hauling lumber for my new hair brained idea, I asked  my husband if he ever gets tire of it.  Tired of all my changing and re-doing.

He said no. “I help you do these things because I love you, and I know that you love this kind of stuff and it makes you happy.  I want you to be happy. ”

He’s a keeper.

A day later I FINALLY learned how to use my own metier saw. That was given to me as a gift 4 years ago. I drew this little box bed design out and measured and got it done. ALL BY MYSELF!!! I feel a little closer to Jesus. You know, we have that carpenter thing going now. I had to have a little help putting it together, but for the most part it was done in about an hour and a half. 

I love it. I slept on it. I watched a movie on it.  IT IS AWESOME!

  • Cheryl Mello

    Great job Stacey!

  • Great job! I want to live at your house!

  • kara

    I love it, Mrs. Handy Manny! Can’t wait to see it in person!

  • Ericka

    You are a nut! I love you! What a great idea!