Times Four

This family…. I loved them immediately.

They made my job so easy.

If I said sit down, right there in all the rocks with your white pants and shorts and dresses. They did. And they did it with ease.

I love that.

I also love that you can tell, it’s obvious that they love one another. They look out for one another (whether they like to admit it or not, because there was definitely some sibling “ewww, I don’t want to hold hands with them”, but they did it any way and smiled the whole time.)

I loved their outfits. I loved the colors. I loved that they were ready. It was awesome.

You know what else I love about them?…..they ALL love Harry Potter. And they had all read them and watched them. Even the little one was in the middle of reading them with his dad.  I love it when I get to talk about awesome books.

Thanks to you guys for letting me get to know you a little !!!

  • Michele D.

    I LOVE THIS FAMILY and I love how you captured them!!

  • Kapri

    I LOVE I LOVE I LOVE!!!!!! Each picture captured all these guys perfectly! Awesome work once again Miss Stacey. Bravo!