Peanut Butter Frosting



I am not a huge cupcake eater. Or cake eater for that matter. But, when I eat them. I like them to look awesome. Which I hadn’t quite figured out.

Until now.

And you know what the trick is?

Double the frosting.

That’s it.

That’s the only way to make them look awesome.

And a way to make them taste awesome. Only cook half of them. Mix the rest of the dry cake mix with some butter and reeces peanut butter chips (also put those in the cupcakes) and sprinkle it on top. That’s the way to make them taste awesome!!!

My kiddo requested peanut butter cupcakes. (which I knew he probably would eat much of them) so I whipped these up. With peanut butter frosting.

All that takes is 1/2 cup peanut butter, 1/2 cup butter and 2 cups powdered sugar (the actual recipe called for 4 cups, but there is no way on God’s green earth I could put that much sugar in anything) That’s it. And then double it to make a bunch of cupcakes if you need too. It is awesome  (said in my best sing song voice)

Try it.

You’ll love it.

1 comment
  • Yum! I really don’t like peanut butter much but put it in a cake and I love it. Mom makes a peanut butter cake with peanut butter frosting that is so yum. I learned that about frosting too. It’s just easier to have more than needed.