
I have a thing about giving worn out things a new home.

I can’t help it.

They look all sad and worn out and all I see when I look at them is how pretty they could be if I just worked on it a little.

This was one of those things.

I used the project to get my mind off of my kiddo starting his first day of school. After I dropped him off, with tears streaming, I painted and re-did and prettied this little cabinet for my kitchen. It was a perfect mind getter offer. And it has worked out perfectly. My kitchen is a fairly decent size for the house I live in. Most houses its age have kitchens that are very small. Mine has quite a lot of cupboard space….but of course I need more. Who doesn’t need more space to put random kitchen-y things?

I might at some point add a countertop to it to match, but for now it’s perfect just the way it is. And I am happy now that it has a new home and many more years of use.

1 comment
  • This is beautiful! I love the green as well, but the white is so fresh!