Where Did the Time Go?

Now, I know I’ve been a little slow at catching up lately, but I am finally getting there (after about 7 weeks) I can kind of see the light.

A while back I got to spend the morning with a couple boys that I haven’t seen in almost 2 years.

They both looked completely different.

It’s pretty amazing how much someone can change in two years.

They grow 10 inches.  They talk more. They stop talking quite as much.

I have known the eldest boy in these photos since he was the size of the little one. I saw him run around sans diapers.  And now look at him. Grown up. Where did that time go? But now… I get to watch another one grow before my eyes.  I love it. I love catching it for just a second.

  • Amy

    Wow Stacey….you just amaze me every single time. Thank you, thank you thank you for such beautiful pictures of my sweet boys!

  • kara

    Aw, I love the one of the 3 of them!!

  • granny

    beautiful photography Stacey granny loves her boys