Spicy Onion Sauce Over Grilled Chicken

So, it’s been a while since I’ve done any amount of cooking around here. Things have been getting in the way and I’ve been eating out so much more than I should be. More than I have in my entire life I think.   And then there are days where the only thing I live on is coffee. That isn’t good either. I hate that. I feel lethargic. I know the food (even if it’s salad) isn’t all that great for me and I really just want to eat at home.

So, last night I made up a recipe.

I really love dipping onions in sauce. But before I do… I normally take the breading off. I’m not a big fan of breading of any sort, unless I’m really in the mood. (which is a another reason I don’t like eating out that much. Breading is everywhere.) I love sauce. Sauces make everything taste fantastic.

I came up with a sauce that’s spicy and awesome. Not on the super healthy side… but I’m working my way back to that area.

This will cover two servings so double if you want to feed the family. This was just for me and I ate it twice. It’s really good served with steamed veggies.  Or over rice.


2 chicken breasts

One whole onion cut in half and sliced (not diced)

Olive oil

Salt and pepper

1/2 cup sour cream

1 tablespoon worcestershire

2- 2 teaspoons hot sauce (mine was from Louisiana, but I think tabasco works just dandy)

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1/2 teaspoon paprika

dash of  red pepper


With indoor our outdoor grill, cook chicken until juices run clear. You can add a little salt and pepper to this, but it isn’t necessary.

Add a little olive oil to a pan and cook onion until soft. Remove from heat. In a small bowl, mix together: sour cream, worcestershire, hot sauce, paprika, red pepper, garlic powder and a pinch of salt and pepper. (Keep testing this to make sure it tastes the way you want it to…you may want to use more or less of each of these things) Add cooked onion to mixture. 

Spoon over chicken and serve.

Seriously it’s fantastic.