
 It’s been just he and I for a while now. (Hunting Season) I had wanted to get a photo of us together on our adventure, but of course I forgot to pack the tripod. And besides we were too busy having fun and exploring to do any of that.  We are now back to our regular schedule. If you can call it that. We’re adjusting to all new things. New school. New times. New routines. New rules.  Our strength has been tested in the last few months. We’ve learned to rely on each other. Protect one another. Stick together. It’s been good. We’re both tired and worn out. But it’s a good tired and worn out. 

 He’s my one and only boy.

A boy that grows overnight.

A boy that’s changing.

I had to capture this time for just a second.

Because I will wink and blink….and this time is wisped away.

  • Cheryl Mello

    Love it. You both look great!

  • kara

    Bea-u-ti-ful!!!!!!!! (both the photo, AND you!!)