Coffee Sack Pillows

So you all remember when I built this?  It has sure gotten it’s use in the last couple of month. It seems to be adored by humans as well as animals. It has become one of my favorite places to be.

Well, I built it with the intentions of being able to change it.

And since it is about to be fall, (I can’t really get my head wrapped around that, summer never really came here)  I thought I would add a few more fall tones. Now, I promised my son that I would add orange in there somewhere, but I think I will have to pick up some burlap and just make a couple pillow covers to uphold that promise.

Anyway, the reason I’m sharing this is because of those giant pillows in the back. They are made of coffee sacks I picked up a few months ago. When I bought them I had no idea what I was going to do with them. I just knew I loved them. So I stuck a couple pillows in them and then sewed one seam up the side. Seriously…easy. They are economical and work for the season.

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