A Little Different

It’s so fun to watch the changes in the families I shoot.

It’s interesting to see the parents go from that weary “I haven’t slept in 20 days straight” to a more perky self.  I love that.

When the oldest was just a wee little one… she cried every single time I showed up.  Every time. But now…she looks at me and she smiles AND she likes dinosaurs, so we have all kinds of things to chat about. (I never really realize how much I am immersed into the world of dinosaurs until I meet someone just first learning about them, it makes me realize how much I have learned about them!)

Her little sister on the other hand. I’m not sure if she likes me or not. She’s pretty stern with me, though somehow I manage to catch a smile or two now and then.

I can’t wait to see what they are like the next time I see them!!!