What Do You Call a One-Eyed Dinosaur?


It was an appropriate joke for the day.

But all jokes aside, I’ve spent the last couple days crying over a set of pretty important eyes.

The eyes of the little one who lives in my house with the most striking set of baby blues of most any child I’ve ever met.

He has some phenomenal cornea problems.

We will be going to specialists. We don’t know where yet, as we’ve been told his case is so special he will probably “end up in text books.”

I will share details later down the road. And in the meantime please be patient with sporadic emails and posts, etc.

Now, do you want me to share another joke.

I would, but they just get cornea and cornea.  🙂

1 comment
  • Kristine Pratt

    So sorry to hear this, you will all definitely be in our prayers!