On Ivinson

So the little man and cruised over to Laramie today for a hearing test (which by the way turned out perfect and I cried with relief.)

I haven’t spent much time in Laramie since I graduated from college there. Certainly not on a random sunny monday afternoon in October.  I’ve never been too nostaglic about college. I loved it, but there has always been another phase to move onto without thinking too much about the previous one.  But today, holding hands with my little boy, we wandered around campus. Nostaglia set in. I wandered around in my mind back to those first months of college. Of walking through those leaves along Ivinson worrying about tests and not worrying about tests. Happy about new found freedoms and scared about  new found freedoms.  Starting new coffee habits. The falls were what I remember most there. There’s just something about fall on a college campus.  So then I can’t help but wonder what kind of campus the little boy who’s holding my hand will be walking on. This one? Maybe. Someplace far away? Maybe.  Someplace perfect for him? Absolutely.

I’ve always wanted to have pictures of my little boy on Ivinson in the fall.  Except game days (which are mass chaos most of the time.), I’m never there. I grabbed a couple while we were there.  (He has a harder time without the shades these days, so I let him leave them on most of time. They are very risky business-y. He digs them.  He’s happy and that’s what matters.)

 And these… were taken a couple days ago. Just a couple proper fall photos. He’s a pretty versatile kiddo.

1 comment
  • He’s such a cutie! Handsome little man!