He’s a Player

He is now participating in his third, and maybe final sport of the season. (If you’ve wondered why I don’t answer emails, phone calls, etc….this would be one contributing factor to that, he’s kept us on our toes this year.)

He does it all.

And if anything, it is awesomely entertaining.

Watching 5 and 6 year olds play these games is awesomely entertaining.

I’ve also learned a little something about myself.

I’m a loud cheerer.

Not a quiet one.

A loud, loud cheering mom.

One who forgets to take pictures because she is SO into the game. I love that.

Not something I expected of myself.

I love watching him learn these games.

I love watching the comradery between the players.

I love the hoorays and oooos and ahhhs.

I am happy he is playing.

 Oh and did you happen to notice the team he’s playing for…the Raptors. It was meant to be for sure.


Song: The Greatest, Kenny Rogers