Well, little did I know that I didn’t have to leave Wyoming to climb sand dunes…..and here I traveled halfway across the world to do that. (Though I think I would have been hard pressed to find a camel anywhere near middle prairie land WYO.) The Dino Dude and I caravanned up to visit my parents this weekend. On the way we picked up my God-Mother, and we had a good ol’ time heading up Interstate 25.
My dad and I went exploring a couple times and he took me to the sand dunes right outside of town. Only 10 miles away. I lived there for only a few years before I left for college and didn’t do a whole lot of exploring while I was there, so I was ecstatic to find the sand dunes right outside of Rolling Hills. (Even though they were surrounded by those damn yellow weeds that seem to be the bane of my existence right now. Developing allergies later in life is quite a shock to a system that has never experienced them before. ) Later that evening we took my little one back so he could play in them, and he had the time of his life. He exclaimed they were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in Wyoming. We walked barefoot. We slid down them. He made sand angles and then sadly the sun slowly went down and we had to go before the coyotes came out. But we will definitely be going back for another visit, this time with a sled to slide better down them!!
I hope everyone had a safe and relaxing Labor Day!!!