The Seasonal List

It’s raining today. One of those first fall days, when you know it has arrived just by the smell in the air.

One of those days where you want to be inside with a book.

I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to sit down with a book, but we’ll see. Maybe later.

I will wear thick socks and maybe a sweater. A cozy one. And probably boots. I have missed my boots so.

I’ve been getting back to my roots. Sketching, drawing more. Getting some practice in. My soul feels good.

I’m not going to lie, some of the new technology for drawing is amazing, I’m taking full advantage of it….. as it will come in handy in some of my future endeavors.

I made my list for the season. I didn’t get one done for the summer, it was a little chaotic there for quite a while. But now, hopefully, that won’t be quite as hard.



I randomly took this personality test last weekend. And much like the day I took the colorblind test for the first time, I was amazed with the results. (By the way, I think these are cruel and unusual punishment…..) This simple little test had me pegged. And kind of explained a few things about myself that I didn’t think could be explained.  You should try it. Answer the questions honestly.

One of my favorite fall songs: Into the Mystic, Van Morrison (Though his version is nowhere to be found.) This one will have to do.