The Windy City Rained on Us

It rained the next day. All day.

Therefore the camera didn’t come out quite as much, and as usual I wished I had taken photos of the thousands of umbrellas walking around us. The hustle of the city, even in the rain.

But did it slow us down? No…. not one little bit! We tried to stay indoors for the most part which was fine, because we had pre-bought passes for everything in town (if you visit, the City Pass is an awesome deal!)

We headed to the Shedd aquarium first. It was an awesome place. A good place to go see sea turtles, jelly fish and Beluga whales.  The show they put on was great…and we were never covered in water at any point in time.  And we got to touch sting rays (their barbs are cut, so there’s no danger)


Our next stop was the planetarium …which was a pretty awesome place as well. It had a huge kid area and everything, for the most part was interactive for the kids. He had a blast there. And we learned all kinds of things and did a couple experiments while we were there. Having him learn about Newton’s Law, how every action has an equal an opposite reaction.  We came home with a Newton cradle and space ice cream (that was for me, I LOVE space ice cream.) When we were done we had to take a break for 20 minutes or so, so we went to say goodbye to Sue one last time and pick up a Christmas ornament for his tree, and then catch a bus. We got caught up in Bear fan traffic. It was a little crazy. There were a lot of drunk men yelling and screaming. But we made it, an hour later.

We hung out on Michigan avenue for a while, there is SO MUCH SHOPPING there, but with a 7 year old, I didn’t do a ton. We had to be on our way to our last stop….the Willis Tower (Sears Tower.) We wanted to see it at night so we got there about 8:30.  We were told at the bottom that there was zero visibility at the top. 103 floors up. We rode the elevator by ourselves, and after all the ear popping we stepped out and to our surprise, we saw an amazing city of lights below. We went straight for the glass hang offs. We both loved it, and we were both scared at first, the illusion is a little creepy, but it was so amazing we couldn’t stay away. It was our second favorite part of the trip. We hopped in a taxi, as being just us, I didn’t want to get back on a bus, and headed to dinner. We had Sushi for our last night. We were pizza-ed out.  We went back and passed out once again. The next morning we were on our way home. It was a short trip, but an amazing unforgettable one for both of us.

I normally try to research as much as possible things to do and where to stay and what to eat. And in case anyone out there is looking I’ll put this info here. I think for the time we had there,  we hit most everything we could. We stayed a block off Michigan Avenue, in the Fairfield on Ontario.  It was great. The dino dude loved it there.  (And there was a Starbucks within 10 feet!) There is so much to eat near by, pricey and not so pricey, healthy and not so healthy (you HAVE to have pizza there, it’s amazing) but definite places one would need to hit are within walking distance.

The Windy City, Phish