Sleepless Nights

There was a little boy in my house last night that just couldn’t sleep. He moved from room to room. He was too excited for the day to come. He knew that when he rose in the morning….that the coming day was his.  Just his. It was an awful lot like the night before he was born. He had a mom that just couldn’t sleep…..because I knew he was coming, and that day would always be his. Just his.

 I always cry a little at some point every year when this day comes around. This time was when I was processing his photos. He keeps changing. And growing. And becoming his own little person. Yet he’s so incredibly like me. (He looks like his daddy though, that’s undeniable.)

We took time this year to take more than just one photo for his birthday. He brought Sparks his favorite dinosaur. And he picked out his birthday clothes himself (well, mostly himself.)

Happy Birthday to my favorite 8 year old….you make my life so beautiful.