I’ve had several people ask how he’s doing in the last few weeks and I thought I would share.
We currently are still seeing 3 specialist. A cornea specialist, a retina specialist and a general pediatric specialist. The corneal scaring has improved a ton this year and has pretty much moved out of the the direct center of his eyes, which we couldn’t be more pleased about. He is currently getting weekly injections (by yours truly) for the pars planitis in the retina. We decided together about 6 months ago that injections would be so much easier than the giant handful of pills he was taking. So, together we have learned how to do that. It sucks, I’m not going to lie, neither of us look forward to it, but it is easier than the alternative. He’s also patching to make his left eye work a little bit better and get stronger.
As far as we know he is still the only documented kiddo with both problems, so the medicine is acting as a guinea pig for the corneal stuff, but it seems to be helping a bit, so we will continue with injections for another year and a half and see how it goes!