Here on the plains it’s still snowing. Oh how I wish it weren’t still snowing. I have daffodils and tulips peeking out of the ground, teasing me to come play. I’m kind of really over the snow at this point in time. But….it never really lasts and it is normally melted by the next day. Yesterday I woke to another beautiful layer of snow/frost covering everything. It was sunny and beautiful. So I made a couple mugs of hot drinks and convinced my baby to go watch the steam rise from the lake. (Not before I took a picture of him sleeping. A mother never really tires of seeing how peaceful a child looks when they are sleeping, even when they are 8.) I love the mornings and I love sharing the mornings with him (and my husband, but I let him sleep in a little) I hope that when he’s older he’ll be able to get up and get going just to enjoy them sometimes. I watch the sunrise almost every day. Watching the world wake up….it’s my favorite part of life.
And as I predicted the snow was gone by yesterday evening, but when I look out my window early this morning, I can see in the streetlight that it’s coming down again. Springtime in the Rockies, you kind of just have to roll with it!