Sharing old photos now and again, makes me smile. It reminds me of how far we’ve come. How different our lives are. How we’ve been truly blessed all along the way. And some of the awesome stories we’ve shared.
One of my favorite Easter stories, was the year the fire department joined us.
It was a beautiful day. We played catch outside. Of course took some pictures together, because that was our family at that time, and that’s what we did (My husband also wore Hawaiian shirts for everything. He still tries occasionally.)
And then….our turkey fryer caught the deck of my brother-in-law’s second story apartment on fire. The thermometer broke, so the oil caught fire and the more air we let in, the more fire there was. The entire deck was engulfed in flames, but nothing actually burnt down. It was the one and only time I’ve seen the glass broken for a fire extinguisher, and actually used, by third, honorary Koerwitz brother.
Cars had lined up along the street and and called the fire department. It was awesome. And memorable.
We still ate the turkey, 4 hours later, and after we cooked it in the oven. And the fire department was just happy to have something to do that Easter Sunday.