In an attempt to keep myself from being completely inundated with irrational anger over the fact that I am looking out over a foot and a half of snow in my backyard on May 12, I will share a couple things from the happenings of last week. You know, when the sun was shining and I was sitting under the twinkle lights at my picnic table. (Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts.)
We of course had a little gathering for Cinco De Mayo. I cooked the chimichangas that my brother- in law has been cooking for several years. Since he does’t live here anymore, I have had to learn his recipes. Fortunately though, he was able to be here and show me how it was done. And…. they ARE AMAZING. If I ate fried food all the time, they would be my #1 choice. They are adapted from a recipe found here. I added more cheese and took out the olives. But seriously people…you need to try this.
And since we ate under the twinkle lights, we had to be a little festive, so my little man and I made these. It’s a good exercise to practice folding. Though he got tired of it and left me to finish 10 minutes into it. You can find the directions here. I got the paper at the dollar store and was able to get three made out of it. That way I didn’t fee bad when I threw them away!