A few weeks ago, I came home with a load of unwanted apples. A LOAD of them. I like to decorate the house with apples when school is starting, so a bunch of them were used just for decoration. The others I used to make a bit of applesauce. This is not canned, so it will not last forever. Just a few weeks in the fridge. It’s just something you can eat along the way. We had it after school. You can make it as sweet as you want, or not sweet at all. You can also cook it as long as you want, you make it really saucy or leave it with a few chunks like I did. Any which way…. it wasn’t sitting in the grocery store on the self with a bunch of preservatives, so that’s all good.
Also, if 7 0r 8 cups of apples is too little or too much, just make sure to fill the crockpot, as they will cook down. A lot.