Friday Fun Farewell

For the last year, I’ve kept a drawing book next to my bed. My son and I have been incredibly attached to it. Pages have fallen out. It’s pretty tattered. But that book….is a year full of collaboration, full of nothing but pure awesomeness, full of love and memories. Just a small chapter in my life that I will tangibly get to hold and look back on.  What an amazing thing.

When I bought the book, I just intended to have it for myself. Just to sketch here and there. And then I let my son in on the excitement and we tried something new, This something new turned into a magical project called “Friday Fun.” He would draw a picture and I would color them in for him and surprise him with the results. Not an original idea, or all that imaginative, but for us, it was the ultimate bonding experience.

There were many tears shed over drawings not being perfect. (I just don’t understand why my prairie dog is looking like goat!!!!!! I JUST CAN’T get it right!) BUT, there was way more  laughter over what actually came of our drawings. When I asked him what he learned from this project, his first answer was that you should never give up, just keep trying. And practice and patience makes perfect. I learned to see through the eyes of a little boy who sees things so much differently than I do. Artistically, kids are able to look at things and imagine things so much better than adults can. I learned that it’s nice to have something fun, no matter how small, to look forward to doing. Every week. And even though sometimes we were tired. And sometimes we weren’t able to do them, we tried our hardest. And loved it.

Our favorite you ask? We both LOVED the wooly mammoth (the last one on this page) and then from there it was too hard to choose.

If you’ve been following us on Facebook, thanks for coming along for the ride. It’s been a blast.

Now…. what should we do next? Hmmmm. 🙂