The College Girl Turns 21

Yesterday was such an amazing day for so many reasons. Some I will have to share later, but I got to celebrate this beautiful girl yesterday morning. It was her 21st birthday.

She is so full of spirit, and amazement, and spunk and determination. I can just see her mind reeling with things she wants to do and wants to experience.

And with her youth, I know there are so many unanswered questions ahead of her, and so many scary things too. But that is part of journey. Part of the excitement.

I took her out for mimosas and a little breakfast yesterday morning, and then as promised, shot some photos.  I want her to remember what she looked like yesterday (beautiful), and I know that right now, like any other 20 something, she will find things she doesn’t like. But I can guarantee… 10 years, she won’t see those things anymore. She will just see that this was the day she turned 21.

Time…it goes by quickly guys. Be sure to stop it every now and again.

And cheers to you our favorite college girl.