It’s that time of year when chaos ensues.
When I’ve cooked what seems like thousands cookies and bars and cakes and breads and soups.
And I didn’t even manage to get a plate of them over to my neighbors (sorry neighbors!), which really means I ate a good share of them myself .
When you could see me in sweatpants one minute and sequins the next, because the holidays are crazy that way.
When shopping, and concerts, and road trips, and dinners to cook, and aprons to wear, and houses to decorate, and a kid to tote, and pictures to take, and pictures to paint, and sledding to do, and letters to write, and ornaments to make, and things to sew, and gin to drink….. all become the norm.
And all of this before the actual holiday is here.
It’s just that time of year.
And I know everyone is doing what I am.
And I know people are missing the ones they can’t be with, just like I am.
Because it’s that time of year.
So, I’ll raise a glass, or flask, whatever I have handy at the moment….
Cheers to a beautiful and warm Christmas to everyone.
Be Merry.