Banana Bread

6 months ago, I a took a picture of a beautiful loaf of banana bread. I had intended to post the picture 6 months ago, and now, 100,000 pictures later I gave up on trying to find it.  And 100,00 is seriously not an exaggeration.

And today it snowed.

And school was called off.

And I was given the great idea to make banana bread.

But I didn’t really have time to bake it.

But….. I have a little/big Dino Dude that did have time and can bake it.

And so he did. With very little supervision.

I love to watch him in the kitchen. I love to watch him struggle sometimes. I love to watch him make sure he has just the right music playing so he’s inspired to cook. I love it when he cooks a loaf of bread that comes out literally perfect. His cute little apron and hat he used to constantly wear when he was cooking, is no longer needed. It makes me a bit sad, but I’m more proud of the fact that he can cook more at his age than I did when I was 20. My goal is to have him completely culinarily trained by the time he leaves me…. when he’s 40. Kidding. He makes a momma proud.

We all probably have our favorite banana bread recipe. Mine comes from the only cook book I ever use. And the pages are falling apart. The three pages that I use. It’s stained and horrible looking, and that’s exactly why I use it. But, having a recipe at my fingertips online comes in handy when I’m away and need to cook as well. Or when I put my kid to work in the kitchen.

