I have several things I didn’t get to share from last summer. Things got hectic as they always do in the fall. So I will share now.
This past summer one of my best friends got married.
I just happen to be related to him.
He’s also the only person I’ve ever hung up on.
The only person that I have completely, whole heartedly gotten angry at. Over recycling. Or popsicles.
And he’s the person I will call for an opinion… not get what out of him….. and hang up on him.
He’s that patient with me. I’m that patient with him. In my own way. And he knows I will tell him what he doesn’t necessarily want to hear.
He got married last summer.
I was the unofficial photographer, who was just supposed to catch the moments. In midday heat. With about 20 minutes to work with. And I hope I did. As it’s taken this long to get back to working on them. (I got to the really important pictures of them right away)
But I wanted to share. Just a few moments of the day.
I started out the day, very quietly with my son. In the car, on the way to get coffee. I was concerned he might have questions, as he and I have always been extremely open with one another. We talk. Always. Even if it’s hard to talk about.
There were no questions.
All he said to me was….”the great part about today…. I’m getting a new uncle!”