So this past fall I was going through a tub of lotion in a week. As I get older, my skin get drier and drier in the winter. So, I decided to take matters in my own hands.
I used to make lotion all the time. Make it a complicated process with different scents, all kinds of different butters, and beeswax, and everything else.
But 10 years later…… I want simple. I want something natural. And easy.
So this is my routine for after bath lotion (I literally stand in the tub to put it on.)
I get a tub of shea butter. A tub of coconut oil. Heat them on the stove in a pan until they are melted (not boiling) and then put it in the fridge until it hardens again. And then I throw them in the stand mixer with several shakes of lime essential oil, or orange, or whatever citrus I have on hand. (I’m not a huge essential oil person, but I like it for this) I let it mix for about five minutes until it’s all whippy. And that’s that. It is oily (because it’s half coconut oil) but I like it that way. My skin is so much better this winter as long as I use it most every day. I’ve used it on my face when it’s totally dry. And lips. Since it’s just made with oils…it’s pretty versatile. It’s definitely a night time lotion as I don’t want the oils in my clothes (it’s rough on silks, and I love a good silk shirt.)