In the summer I typically have spent Fridays with my little man roaming the country. I try to shut everything down and spend the day with him. This year I won’t get as many, so I will have to take full advantage of the ones I do get.
Because that’s the thing about time….. it just just doesn’t want to stand still for me.
He’s worn himself out in the last couple of weeks, so I threw him in the car and headed to the mountains to do a little exploring. He slept next to me. And I relished it, because I know he needs it and fights it terribly.
He held my hand while we explored. And chattered away about everything he was seeing and everything he was wondering. He’s getting to the age where sometimes the chatter stops and he has to decompress. And I let him. Because honestly, I know what it’s like to just not want to talk.
I laid in the grass on a hillside while he fished a little. I don’t have to help him with the worms anymore. But soon, he gave up and laid next to me and snuggled in the sunshine on the grassy hill.
He still was chattering away.
I asked him if he wanted to go…. and his response was “can we stay a little bit longer, I was just loving talking to you .” …. so we stayed. And he talked.
It’s different when it’s just he and I. I’m different with him and he is different with me. And I pray that we can stay that way, but know he will get older and things will change.
So I’m thankful for that first friday of summer yesterday. As I know I won’t have many left.