I read that Yellowstone had over 4 million visitors last year.
That is 3,500,000 more people than actually live in this state.
I also saw a poster in the visitor center at Old Faithful that proudly stated that yellowstone was still a place where you can get away from it all. I found it a little ironic that I was looking at this poster surrounded by approximately two thousand people.
Despite the fact it’s a busy season for the park, I was still in awe of it’s beauty. As I always have been. Of the majestic-ness of it all. Of the wild animals just running around everywhere and sometimes perching themselves in the perfect spots for people to see. I don’t blame them for wanting to stop and admire them. I do too.
I got to go through most of the park in two days over Father’s day. I stopped at all the stops. I saw all the sights. I didn’t take near enough photos, but sometimes I like to sit back and enjoy the ride. I think my most favorite area was the Grand Prismatic and all the gorgeous teal colored pools. The colors were not real to me.
I’m proud to live in a state with such an amazing place for people to visit. And I welcome them here. We need you this year. But I will say, I’m happy to be back in the quiet mountains near the plains.
That’s how I think of Wyoming. That’s what it is to me. Wide open spaces.