Today’s a good day to be a good day.
That’s what I told myself when I woke up.
Even as my son got stuck with needles before 8am.
Even as I was getting pulled over for accidentally going down the wrong way on a one way.
Even as I had a popcorn ball for breakfast
Even as sweat beads dripped down my back in my still unairconditioned car while I drove to another town for the 5th time in 7 days.
I sang in the car. Really loud because the windows were down and the wind was drowning out my awesome singing voice.
Today is a good day to be a good day.
“We’re going to be cautiously optimistic.”
Today we learned we get to taper off autoimmune medication for his eyes.
It will take until the beginning of next year to be done.
It’s big.
5 years.
The next steps are a “cautious” waiting game as we are writing the book as we go.
Accentuating the positive is a way of life for me. I try to live every day that way. Some days I fail miserably. Like really really miserably. But, most days I’ve very good at it. I learned early, on this journey, that people feed on negativity. And sad stories. And I just can’t. And I won’t. I won’t live that way. My pictures are colorful and happy most of the time. That is me.
So this is my update for the year on his gorgeous, one in a billion (that’s not even an exaggeration) eyes.