
I haven’t been able to get their oldest to smile big in many, many years.

But this year…. it happened.

He smiled

He crinkled his nose.

He threw his head back.

From real laughter.

And I loved it. It was fun to watch.

His little brother just got glasses and I have to say they fit him perfectly. I have a thing for little kids in glasses. I always tend to be drawn to them. When I’m shooting a playground full of kids… the images I have most of are those in glasses.

We had to compromise in location this year. Frontier days. Hail storms. Water everywhere. And we still managed to find the most fun place in Cheyenne. And it did not involve playground equipment!

It was an awesome time.

Also also, if you are attending the Children’s Society Gala this year… this is your girl. She’s been putting together donations for months. Go check it out if you have a chance!!!


