I get to be a part of some pretty big moments in life. And I’m always (still after all these) years so honored that you choose me. I get to see brand new ones in their first few days at home. And later… when they are sitting up, and after a year, I get to be there too! And then, years and years and years down the line (although you guys, those years are SO FAST) I get to take graduation pictures…. those are big moments for people, so to all who let me be part of it… thank you.
She was such a doll. Slept sound. Was very very chilled. Even when she wasn’t sleeping!
She’s got some awesome parents and a couple of pretty awesome GIANT puppies (like the size of a small pony) to keep her company…that I though needed to be included (I mean they were there first, right?)
Thanks again guys for letting me be there….. I love every second of it!