You Can’t Roller Skate Through a Buffalo Herd
I’m a pretty adventurous girl. Unafraid of most things.
I’m a Wyoming native and spend a lot of time outdoors. I know the rules. I know not to go into the desert in the summer without being aware of snakes, or have a way to protect myself. I know that large animals lurk in the trees and to be aware of my surroundings. I’m aware that a hungry cougar will track you. I know the power of large animals.
That being said…
I went on a normal hike I have been on a hundred times in Thermopolis. I am often alone when I hike, especially at sunrise. It’s my quiet time.
When I came down from my hike up the hill, I had seen the free roaming buffalo herd and wanted to watch them, and maybe grab a few photos (keep in mind I shoot with prime lenses, so zooming is not something I do, unless I’m zooming with my feet.)
I stayed in my car, because, that’s what you should do when there are beasts just yards away from you. They were grazing nicely with one another until a couple males got into a little tiff and all of a sudden they were coming down the hill at me full speed. All of them!
Had I not been in my vehicle, I wouldn’t have had time to get in and move the car. There was a good chance I could have been gored or thrown.
But I was far enough away to move quickly away from them and look back to watch them cross behind me.
I had never seen a herd move or run as quickly as they did. Ever.
And it was a huge lesson to myself and others…. they are wild animals.
They may seem really docile, and their movements might look cumbersome and slow. But they are fast when they want to be.
It is so important to keep a safe distance from them.
Yes they are beautiful and majestic.
And yes it’s exciting to get close.
Just don’t.
After the excitement, I couldn’t help but take in the colors of the springs and the rock formations. You guys. Earth.
It is so so so beautiful.
It sometimes smells of sulfur.
But it’s beautiful.