Evolution of Daughters


On my first day of school, my mom wanted to curl my hair.

I absolutely refused to let her do that.

“Let me do it myself MOM!”

And I did.

And I burnt the ever living shit out of myself.

And that’s how I started Kindergarten. With a burnt cheek.

But at least my mom didn’t curl my hair.

I’ve always been that kind of girl. The one who needs to do things on her own. Who needs to forge her own way. Who needs independence really early on. Who doesn’t follow trends… simply because being trendy is just another way of not being independent enough.

This last year, and the few years before this….. my relationship with my mom has evolved. It’s changed. It has had to.

And to be honest, I don’t know what I would have done without her. She, I imagine, had to live through what every mother dreads (at least I do) …. she had to watch her child be in pain, physically and emotionally and could do nothing about it, but watch. She had to feed me. Carry everything for me. Watch me cry myself to sleep. Do all the things. But most of all she had to listen to the phrase over and over and over again….

“let me to do it myself….mom…..please”

This time being more of a plea than an order.

And often times I failed. And I cried. A lot more than I did when I burnt myself with a curling iron.

Her and I are very different, but we have managed to be ok with all those differences. Have found patience with one another.

And through all these years she has patiently, and sometimes not so patiently….stepped back and let me curl my own hair. And I am so thankful I have that kind of mom.

I love you mom. Thank you. Happy Mother’s Day.

And I love that we got you to fly a kite….