Well, survival of one of the busiest weekends of the year has been accomplished.
After days of cooking and days of eating, I transform my house into Christmas wonderland.
And then I get drug to the mountain to cut down a tree we feel sorry for.
The roads were terrible this year, but the scenery was just amazing. It’s not often the wind doesn’t blow here and the snow and ice stays. It makes for a beautiful way to start the Christmas season.
Once we made it to the mountains, to avoid going into a coughing fit (some sort of bug hit me hard) I plopped down in a nice area of snow and took out my camera, (It’s not an unusual thing for me to just lay down in the snow, even when I’m feeling just fine.) while I listened for the boys yelling to me from here or there. Up and down the mountain.
We also took along some visitors this year. Grandma and Grandpa. And of course my new brother-in-law was along for his second year.
My Dino dude drug out what seems to be a decent tree. (He has to earn his keep around here, so dragging the tree is his job.) It’s not completely Charlie Brownish (though I kind of have a soft spot for those.)
It was trimmed the next day while my favorite songs were playing (I don’t listen to Christmas music until the tree is going up.) And the little man wasn’t quite tall enough to get the star on and I wasn’t quite strong enough to lift him that high. So I put it on this year. The star I bought when I was 19 and barely had enough money to buy it, let alone ornaments too. But I did, just so I could have a tree to lay next to while I studied. And dream little dreams.
And now, at night I have a tree to lay next to.
A couple of them.
OK, three of them.
Dream little dreams or big dreams next to.
That’s the great thing about Christmas Trees.
It doesn’t matter where they are, how big they are, fancy or modest, real or fake…..no matter where you are, whose house you are in,
You can lay by the twinkle lights and dream little dreams.
Or big ones.