You only get to be a new parent one time.
After that, you aren’t “new” anymore.
After you have another, you aren’t new.
I have the greatest job ever. I get to step into the lives a new parents for just a minute. I get to see how they are functioning in that first crazy week or two of their new parent lives. Which, if you talk to most parents out there, is one of the scariest yet most beautiful time ever. Some haven’t slept. Some are barely functioning. Some are so scared and pretending not to be. Some are scared and not pretending at all. Some are naturals. Most are actually. But…. I get to see it. (And get to hold them and smell them and hold their little hands, how awesome is that?)
This past week, I got to meet the sleepiest baby I have ever seen. A big, sleepy new baby.
And his parents were naturals.
It was wonderful.
Their puppy really really wanted to join us, but was a little too excited, so we’ll have to wait until next time for that.
Congratulations to this new family. Your adventures are going to be amazing!