They Are All “That” Age….

I have had several moms tell me…. Stacey…. he’s two. I don’t know what you will get this time.

Or I don’t know what is happened to my sweet little boy/ girl.

Guys…. first of all. I have seen it all. Temper tantrums. Object throwing. Tears. Screams. Seemingly obliviousness to me. And I can tell you, most of the time my patience lasts longer than most parents (because your children aren’t mine!)

Second of all….. I’ve been there myself. And while I know that every child is different, every parent is different, I will tell you I can sympathize. There was a while when my son was tiny where I felt guilt everyday because I just felt like I was yelling, or putting him in time out or the only word out my mouth was “no!!!”  (though I’m guessing he will tell you that’s still the case!) I’ve had the kid crumpled on the floor over the red sippy cup. And if you look closely at some of those old pictures, ones that I have canvases of hanging in my house….. he is holding a marshmallow. Because it didn’t happen if he didn’t have a marshmallow. I’ve been there.

I adore this little group of three! So much. They are a couple of the most chill parents out there. And their big eyed boy…. he’s getting so big and is so adorable. And he was busy!

And I’m so glad I get to catch this stage in his life. And all the other stages I’ve gotten to be a part of. L1L2L3L4L5L6L7L8L9L10L11L12L13L14L15L16L17L18L19L20L21L22L23L24L25L26L27L28L30