The Thing About Small Towns

I lived in two different small towns growing up.

Two very different towns and two very different people.

One… I road my bike around without worry from sun up to sun down.  Swam every day in the river. Didn’t go home until the street lights came on. The roads were still dirt and so was the track. I made life long friends, who I still keep in touch with. It was one of those places that stays in your heart forever.

I have been fortunate this past summer to have been invited in to capture people and kids from a town like that. They let me in and I feel very lucky. To see them work together. To get a glimpse of a small town like I remember as a child.

So I just want to say thank you for  letting me in.

This sweet smiling young man is one of the soon to be graduates.  (I thought he had the sweetest little grin… and I know he girlfriend agreed)

He comes with his own entourage (which I loved!)

And he has some pretty lofty aspirations. I can’t wait to see him achieve all those goals, because it’s going to be awesome!
