Thursday’s Threads


 This little project has gone by the wayside for a bit. It takes a bit of time to put this stuff together, time which I have not had lately, so I decided that maybe I should do this once a month.

That’s better right?

Or maybe I should start featuring people.

Hmmmm. Something to think about.

I don’t know if I’ve talked about it here. But I’m colorblind. Mostly browns and greens and blacks, etc. I still see them, I think I just see them differently. I took a test last week just to make sure the colors haven’t changed in my eyes, and nope, still can see those silly little numbers in the silly little circles. Ok I saw a couple of them, but I think I scored a 20% or something like that.  My closets are color coordinated and completely separated and sometimes I get things put in the wrong places and then get made fun of, but mostly people think I do it on purpose. When I went to buy a jacket last month, to go with this awesome little skirt, I got to counter and the sales clerk just happened to say “oh… what a pretty little green jacket.” I put my wallet away and took it back to the rack. I thought it was brown.

So… when I bought this one, the color said “brown” so I knew I was safe.

Anyway, the ugly brown door I’m standing next to is no longer there. I’m glad I took these photos. I had it replaced yesterday (something I’ve been wanting to do since the day I moved into the new old house)

Above is a link of  this little ensemble and where to pick these things up.

1 comment
  • Kristine Pratt

    Love this look! Can’t believe the jacket came from Old Navy, looks great. I’ve been growing my hair out because I’d love to have the lose curls like you!