
I have had the most awesome seniors this year. Have I mentioned that at all? Well, I have.

And senior season is winding down. Just a few more to go.

But I have to tell you, this beautiful girl…. it was like an instant… click. Seriously. We talked and talked  and talked and had we not been freezing cold, I probably could have kept shooting for a couple more hours. (I’ve been shooting in between rain storms for a couple months now and we got so lucky this evening.)

I can almost guess, when she sees these, there will be a little squeal. Maybe some hopping up and down.  Because she is that kind of awesome kid. Full of happy. Full of ideas.  We just clicked. We giggled a lot. We laughed a lot.  It was a perfect way to end a day!!!

1 comment
  • Aunt Susie

    Oh my goodness. Our beautiful Hanna. No surprise these turned out so good. She is Beautiful I side and out.