Just a Little Information

Once again I have gone back and forth about writing this…but I did. So here it is.  

As you know, I love to share stories here. I love stories in general.  I love that I’ve connected with so many amazing people. It’s a way of letting people in, letting them get to know you.

But right now…I am unable to let people in. At least the ones I don’t already know.  For a while.

My home was burglarized this past weekend. I will not go into details, but I will say I feel violated. Among other emotions I can’t even begin to describe.  While I know with quite a lot of certainty that it was something random and will most likely never happen again, I feel the need to close a bit of my life off to outside world.  At least the up to date minute by minute information.  So, I will be publishing things here after they happen. I will also not be posting to facebook , unless to post an update linking to here.

So basically, I’m just saying, I’m adding a little security to every aspect of my life.  I will not be going away. I will still share with you.  Just with a little more caution.

  • Susannah

    I am so sorry to hear that Stacey. I had that happen when I was younger, and I know how traumatizing it is.

  • Cheryl Mello

    So sorry honey, Please let us know if we can do anything for you and the boys. Love Ya!

  • Cara Chambers

    Yikes! I am so sorry to hear about that. I think all of us completely understand that you would want to keep the day to day more private, but we will still all anxiously await your latest post to see what “adventures” you’ve been on!