The Great Dinosaur Adventure: Day 3, Glenwood Springs

On our last day of adventures we drove all the way on I-70 about 1/3 down the summit. On our way we stopped in a little town in Colorado, Fruita.

They had the best dino museum by far.

It was our favorite place.

Not only did a lot of the dinosaurs move and growl (in surround sound), they sprayed water. They had a huge digging area. They had all kinds of things that were interactive just for the kids and they also had sitting areas for the parents. They had a dinosaur car. And the gift shop… well lets just say that I didn’t come home any more rich than when I left.

Our most favorite part…. the giant T-Rex. It took me a lot of convincing to get my kiddo to stand underneath it. It was that realistic.

Then we traveled a little bit down the road to Glenwood Springs and swam in the world famous pools. It was great to see and do, but I will have to say, it was sooooo crowded. And a bit expensive for my taste to just spend an afternoon swimming. But it was worth it. My kiddo had fun. And it wore him out, which is what I had intended for it to do.

The next day we drove down the rest of the winding summit and headed home.

It was a fabulous trip.

It was exactly what we both needed.

I hope he remembers it when he gets older.  I know I will.

Now….to figure out where we’re going next. 🙂

  • Loved reading about your adventure!! Would love to do something like this with Hunter. Great photos as usual. 🙂

  • Shannon

    I hope I have a child who loves dinosaurs this much, so I can do all this fun stuff!! Looks like you two had a blast. I miss you guys! See you real soon!! 🙂