When I was a kid, I would grab a stock of rhubarb from the garden and dip it in a bowl of sugar for the over and over again, until I had sucked all the juice out of the rhubarb. The sugar offsetting the sour. Sometimes it took hours and a couple bowls of sugar. It was the only way to eat it as far as I knew. That and in a pie. Mmmmm.
Well, my rhubarb grows like a weed. And I hate wasting food. So every summer I try to come up with something new to make with it.
Today I made salsa. Much like the fruit salsa I’ve made in the past, but different because it’s a little more tangy and has a little less sugar. But still completely amazing!
10 stalks of Rhubarb boiled down until soup like (just chop and put it on the stove on medium and cook…. it’s magical)
1 crate of strawberries chopped
1/2 fresh pineapple chopped
1 apple, peeled and chopped
3 kiwi chopped
3 large spoonfuls of brown sugar (or more if it’s too tangy for you!)
Throw together and viola! Serve with fresh cinnamon-sugar chips!