
I’m one of those people that believe  everyone that comes in and out of my life is there for a reason.

Even if that person is only there for an hour. Even if I only get to know them for just a minute. Strangers I meet are the people I am supposed to meet.

I feel that way about all my clients. They are brought to me for a reason. And especially my seniors. Often times I get to tag along with them after they are done. I get to see what they actually do as opposed to what their plans are when I talk to them on picture day (by the way….their plans change 85% percent of the time.) But I love hearing their plans. I love hearing that they don’t have plans and they’re clueless about the future. I love hearing it all. I love getting to know them as they go from kids to adults in just a few short months.

She she made me smile. I got to talk about food with her which, is one of my favorite subjects ever. (She has culinary aspirations!) I got to get to know her and find out she’s one of the few red heads with a calm demeanor. I got to find out she has a quiet strength to her.  I got to find out she’s beautiful inside and out.

I got to spend a little time with her… and it was amazing.

1 comment
  • Stacey Pyne

    These are beautiful