A Little Update

Don’t you think they make him look so studious? I didn’t think he could be better looking, these proved me wrong.

He’s has to wear them to mainly protect his eyes from getting hurt. They are basically bullet proof. They won’t improve his vision all that much, as we learned cornea disorders aren’t corrected with glasses. There is some sort of staggering statistic though, that children with eye problems have a huge chance of getting poked in the eye, or have some sort of eye injury. (Maybe that’s why he has a huge scar next to his left eye.)

We still are not quite sure what’s wrong with those pretty blues. We’ve seen a specialist in Denver. We’re pretty sure it wasn’t something he born with and if we’re lucky the eye medication he’s on will make it better. There is still a chance of corneal scarring, which is permanent, but only time will tell. We still have many many tests to go through. Hearing tests next week.  With faith, prayer and love we will figure this out.  Meanwhile I get to look at an awesomely good looking kid all the time!

  • kara

    HOLY HANDSOME! He really looks GREAT in those glasses!

  • He is so handsome! And he certainly knows how to work the camera!

    I have a degenerative cornea disease…I need a new cornea soon. I hope the meds help him!

  • Amanda

    Oh.My.goodness.. If he isn’t the sweetest looking guy ever!!! The glasses look great. Hope that you can get some answers soon.

  • Barbara Roberts

    Those glasses look really good on him!

  • Cheryl Mello

    Such a doll he is. Stacey, you and Brady are such great parents. You will get answers, I know it in my heart. Love you!!!

  • Incredibly handsome, wow!! I pray for the best for him Stacey.

  • Joni

    He looks great Stacey! Still praying you guys get some answers.

  • staceyjean22

    Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

  • Shannon

    Can I PLEASE have a copy of the bottom left one?? He looks like such a stud!!

  • Kristine Pratt

    Wow, he is such a handsome little boy! How is he doing with all of this? You are all continually in our prayers…