He zigged and she zagged and then this little guy was on the way. That is how I remember her telling me she was pregnant. I think it’s one of my favorite pregnant stories. That and it was also printed on a giant cookie sitting on the table when we walked in the front door. Perfect announcement.
It has been so fun watching these two become parents. They are naturals. But I had a hunch that they would be. And I also had a hunch that they would make some seriously beautiful babies. And they did!!!!! Just look at him! He’s so squishily adorable!!!
And…. good new, they are having another one!!! A BOY! Yay!!! I can’t wait to meet him!
Love to you all. Thanks for letting me do this for you!!! I had so much fun!!!
OMG!!! He’s getting so big. I’m so happy for these two. 🙂